ROOK MAKES A MOVE: Reading Group Guide


Book Club Questions

  1. One of Rook’s gifts is organization. What’s yours? Is it a curse or a blessing?

  2. In a marriage, is anything ever unforgiveable?

  3. Faced with a problem, would you turn to a religious leader? Therapist? Sibling? Friend? Spouse? Prayer? A 12-Step program? Why?

  4. What’s an undotted i in your life? How do you deal with it?

  5. Rook’s repressed childhood trauma had a profound effect on her personality. What event has most shaped your personality?

  6. Rook’s “vice” is perfectionism. What’s yours? How do you deal with it?

  7. Rook’s recovery turns on forgiveness. What’s the hardest thing you’ve ever had to forgive another person for? Be forgiven for?

  8. Rook uses snark and sarcasm to deal with her emotions and life’s challenges. Does it work for her? What mechanisms do you use?

  9. Rook’s parents had an agonizing decision to make about Knight. What would you have done in their place?


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